6 Warning Sign That It’s Time To Repair Your Main Sewer Line In Riverside County
Plumbing issues have proven to be a total nightery for most homeowners. It is not only expensive but also leaves you dreadful and weary. Your home’s plumbing system goes a lot more than just the pipes that are on the outside. It goes all the way into the main sewer line.
In most cases, the main sewer line is far from home, so issues can be tough to be repaired. Plumbing is complicated, and searching for the problems may need an inspection by a team of experts.
Keep an eye out for these six warning signs that suggest that you may require some sewer line repair.
There Are Noticeable Indentations In Your Lawn
While a leak in your sewer line can end up turning your grass to become lush, greener, and more vibrant, it can also generate small indentations on the surface. If the sewer line has started to leak, it can imbue the surrounding soil with wastewater.
Mold Is Flourishing
The main reason for the growth of mold is water damage. A leaking sewer line in your walls can result in water damage. A hairline crack in your pipes can end up generating a mold infestation and allowing it to grow and spread.
Your Drains Are Slow
Slow drains are one of the most common plumbing issues. But sometimes, they prove to be a sign of a much more significant issue. This issue mainly includes a simple fix, but it may be a sign of a bigger problem if it cannot be taken care of quickly.
There Are Cracks In Your Foundation
Not only can a damaged sewer line make more plumbing problems, but it also concludes structural damage to your foundation.
If a clog forms and it is left untreated, it will end up damaging your plumbing pipes.
You Could Have Some Unwelcome Guests
It is unfortunate but often true that water damage caused by a damaged sewer line can lead to an infestation of pests. Small animals like rats and mice start to live in the sewer line by entering through the small cracks.
There Are Open Pools Of Sewage On Your Lawn
An undeniable sign that you have problems with your sewage line is spotting septic waste pooling on your lawn. You can identify this if a particular odor stays on your property.
Any homeowner can tell you that your plumbing system is one of the most crucial parts of your house. If you require professional plumbing service, call our certified and licensed leak detection specialists at 24/7 Leak Detection. We can give you prompt service and repair any issues that you have.